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An all too ordinary story, with aftertaste so bitter
Forced to be someone I don't want to be
I'm losing myself... sinking deeper down
I'm caught in the world wound web

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hafiz aka Morfiz on the left and Addi Araya on the right. Infinite Terror's drummer and bassist!! They are more than meets the eye of the beholder, they maybe the deathiest, blackiest, thrashiest human I ever met and yet 1 of the nicest group of friends and members I ever met as well. I met hafiz when Im working in Tangs and was hanging out with the earliest metalheads friends I just knew after like a week or so working there at Tangs, and I was introduced to hafiz..Another friend of mine told me about his friend who played drums on a 2 song death metal EP that is left in Tangs,. The drumming was fucking amazing, it incarcerated my mind for the moment cause it sounded alot like those old school death metal band drummings. I found out later its Hafiz that plays the drum in it with his former band. I knew Addi through hafiz, he is part of the Necro Agony band that made the EP I heard and he played rhythm guitars in there, Its been 2 years since he jammed, he was somehow entranced by what we jammed and became mass hypnotized and decided to join us, as our bassist, thats when he started playing bass and in a couple of months,. Its too short for someone to be good at it, but he really managed to be darn good at it, after my 3 month stint in NS is finally over, there I was bombard by his metal thrashin corpse crushing baptized in bassistism of his. FUCK YEAH! I love Infinite Terror! Thrash up butcher destructor!
Heaven studio, a studio in Pandan Indah which is situated damn far at the corner of an isolated shopping mall beside the hospital (which I kinda forgot the name, pantai ampang or sumthn) that held gigs and jamming session which I just found out after all this while.
Some random animation office board which is so fucking massive and cool at the same time. Right beside heaven studio, pandan indah.
Hanif on the left and his nephew on the right. My hangout buddies this days, Hanif a former schoolmate and bandmate of mine which we still keep in touch and as great buddies to crap along and exchanging personal stories with each other, I knew him wen I just got into sri garden at the age of 16. Despite his very youthful age of Yusof, he is cool to crap along as well, an ardent fan of deathcore and metalcore! We went to a gig which is at heaven studio in pandan indah, we walked almost everywhere, and finally when we were giving up hope and hanif started to squat out of tireness and me being blur and annoyed by the fact we can't find any sign of it. He ranted out "Mane studio ni?" then out of the blue as if the divine highlord gave us a sign, we the sound drums which is sum random double bass pedal work, and there we are, my infuriated anger finally cease of after we saw the mini sign board that stated out the studio name. It was hilarious, it was as if in movie where the character is giving up hope and suddenly a sign came out to show tat he is only a step further from his destiny. FUCKING AWESOME!
An outing with Irfan, Mimi, and Hannah who just came back to malaysia for the summer holidays..welcome back hannah..I was expecting her to turn more british than usual, but it seems Hannah will always be Hannah..HAHA..it was nice to follow them into boutiques and hyper high standards accessories shop like prada and gucci which I had never entered b4 in my entire life and that somehow gave me a chance to have the first time. Its kinda awkward being in there, too plain awkward..HAHA..Im never ever gonna be some girls rich boyfriend..no way!
A picture I found in a blog link given by winnie. The blog belongs to a friend of hers which is my camp mate in NS, but I totally forgot about her. I can't even recall eventhough I had great alacrity to remember who is that. The world is way damn small for humans like everyone of us.
Another Ordinary Story at Monday, August 03, 2009;

Name: Anti-Hero
Age: 17 and half

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Death Scream!

Hua Min
Audrey ser
Amanda mun
Amanda (rocka)
Bring me the horizon(deathcore band)
Billy Boey
Haow Bin
Ji Mi
Jia Min
Li Shan
May Lyn
Melissa Tan
Nick Lim
Ojosan mei ji
Phooi sze
Sg interact club
Steph Heng
Sean Ng
Suk Hwa
Wai Shin
Weil Zheng
Jiy Ni
Pei Wen
Yong jian
Pei Jian
Lynna Loo
Yik Yang
Yee Won
Sabrina chew
The Oink Sisters
Tim Lambesis (As I Lay Dying vocalist)
Pui Ling
Joey Moca
Rachael Heng
Besi Hitam
Depressive Black Metal
Metal site
Metal site 2
Kee Yong
Chia Pei
Mei Yan
Amelia Tham
Kawaii Girl Hoshiko..=,=''
Ler YS
Stories metal bands
Michelle (Jiran)
The lil bitches
Chia Pei
Barry Paganner

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